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Fall Ball Tryouts

June 15 @ Albert Park in San Rafael

Tryout Schedule (Check in 30-minutes before your tryout)

11 & 12U: 9:30am-11am

13 & 14U: 11:30am-1pm

Price: $40

You must register ahead of time. Walk-ins are not guaranteed to be allowed to try out. 

Our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of a player's skills, personality, temperament, coachability, and competitiveness. Tryouts will run in two parts. Part one will be a traditional, combine-style tryout that will include a guided warm-up, defensive and offensive skills showcase including on-field BP, and 40-yard dash. Part two will be an invitation-only scrimmage to get a better look at players in a competitive environment. 


Data and video will be collected throughout the tryout. Every player and their family will have access to their video and receive a written evaluation, including rankings within the age group for metrics like speed, velocities, and more.

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